SAM Error Codes (From the old SAM Wikipedia)


0 - Retrieving XML document Error (0)

Most likely it is coming from your stream host.
Try looking at the DNA Shoutcast settings.
Look at the CleanXML setting and change it.


16bit subsystem error


What is a "16bit subsystem error" caused by?


16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem
path to the program that you are trying to start or install
C:\Winnt\System32\config.nt The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem
path to the program that you are trying to start or install
config.nt The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem
path to the program that you are trying to start or install
C:\Windows\System32\Autoexec.nt The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.


This is an OS problem, here are some links that should help you get on your way;;en-us;324767
16 Bit sub system error
16 bit subsystem error
110 - Unable to connect to Station might be offline. Connection timed out (110).

What IP did you put in your config.html file?
Go on What is My IP Address to find out your IP, and then put whatever it says your IP is in the config file where it says "yourIP". also remove the "$ $" and put your IP in. Update your web request file..

10050 - Unknown Error

(please submit your error to my email)

10054 - Disconnected

When resetting your stream this error will show up. Restart and wait about 1 or 2 minutes.
Try to shut down SAM and SHOUTcast server and restart. It works for me when I do this.

10060 - Not connecting to stream host

Is the IP address prefixed with http:
If so, please remove that.
Are outgoing connections allowed by the SAM computer?

I changed my NIC to wired, and for some reason, my router (which is firewalled) changed my internal IP address. As such, the ports weren't forwarded.

10060 and 10061 are problems with the server being down, connection refused, bad password, bad IP, or bad gateway.
Please verify:
1) The DNAS is running
2) The password you have is correct (verify by logging into the DNAS admin)
3) The DNAS is not already sourced
4) The encoder has no http:// or other protocol prefix
5) Outgoing connections from SAM to the server are allowed.

10061 - You can't connect

This is a connect error code, not all that unusual for Audiorealm and Spacialnet
10060 and 10061 are problems with the server being down, connection refused, bad password, bad IP, or bad gateway.
Please verify:
1) The DNAS is running
2) The password you have is correct (verify by logging into the DNAS admin)
3) The DNAS is not already sourced
4) The encoder has no http:// or other protocol prefix
5) Outgoing connections from SAM to the server are allowed.

10065 - Disconnected

Your cable or Internet is unplugged from your system.

11001: 500 Host not found (Winsock error #11001

11004 - Connection Failed (11004: 500 No Data (winsock error #11004))

Check your cables or that you have a connection to the internet


200 - requests - Touch OK

Like it said, everything is good don't get greedy!


None known at this time


401 - Error retrieving xml document (Unauthorized)

This error is because your password is incorrect for the ShoutCAST Server.
Check your password in the ShoutCast "Edit Config"


Error retrieving xml document (Connection timed out error #10060)
Error retrieving xml cant connect no error
This error is caused by your modem (cable or dsl) not supporting local loopback. Here is a work around:
Step 1. Get a FREE static named address from[[|]] example:
Step 2. Create a A record using that redirect pointing to the IP of the machine hosting SAM. (public IP address).
Step 3. Download the DUC client from and install it on the PC with SAM.
Step 4. Insert the following in the hosts file in computer with SAM. The hosts file has no extension and is different from lmhosts and is usually located here c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. insert this line "" Be sure to re-save the file without an extension.
Step 5. Place in the Hosts box in your statistic relay config. This 'should' allow your statistics relay to begin working properly, it make take a song change or two to work correctly.

408 - Request time-out


500 - At least one relay is using a local network IP address. Please use an internet IP address

You could have entered your LAN IP address in your statistic relay and it needs a public IP address to function properly.

504 - Gateway time-out


600 - Requested song is offline and can not be played
601 - Member username/password invalid.

It not concerned

601 - requests - Song recently played

Listener may not request this song as it has played. It will brake your set rules to play at this time.

602 - requests - Artist recently played

Listener may not request this song as it has played. It will brake your set rules to play at this time.

603 - requests - Song already in queue to be played

Listener may not request this song as it will play shortly.

604 - requests - Artist already in queue to be played.

Listener may not request this song as it has or will play shortly.

605 - requests - Invalid station ID
605 - requests - Song already in request list

Listener may not request this song as it has or will play shortly.

606 - requests - Artist already in request list.

Listener may not request this song as it has or will play shortly.

608 - all current relays are invalid for subscription


I keep getting this error. "Error 608 - all current relays are invalid for subscription. Please contact audiorealm for more information."

What do I need to do?

You signed up your station for AR Choice subscription. You MUST use the WMA relays we provide to stream your station, any other servers or relays will be ignored by our system
609 - requests - Track recently played

This error is so special even Spacial doesn't know

610 - requests - Guests can only request (1) song per hour. To avoid this message, please register and or log in.

In sam set the limits in the config area under requests.

611 - requests - Sorry, you can only request (5) songs per hour.

In sam set the limits in the config area under requests.

612 - requests - Sorry, you can only request a maximum of (15) songs in any (24) hour period.

In sam set the limits in the config area under requests.

613 - requests - Sorry, on Tuesdays, you can only request a maximum of (2) songs per hour.

In sam set the limits in the config area under requests.

614 - requests - Sorry, on Tuesdays you can only request a maximum of (25) songs in the last (24) hour period.

In sam set the limits in the config area under requests.


700 - requests - Your request failed. Reason given: Authorization failed. IP not in allowed list. (IP: (Err#: 707)

The configuration of your IP may be wrong
The server at Audio Realm may be down

700 - requests - Invalid request. (Unknown error with request)
701 - requests - Banned

Listener is no long allowed to listen to your station

702 - requests - Banned until mm:ss

A listener will have to wait this much time before they can come back

703 - requests - Requested song ID invalid

The Song information may need to be updated

704 - requests - Request limit reached. You can only request xx songs every xx minutes

When trying to request ro many songs or times in limits set in Sam configuration

705 - requests - Request limit reached. You can only request xx songs per day

Listener may not request any more songs for this day.

706 - requests - Requests are disabled.

Station has disabled this option

707 - requests - Authorization failed. IP not in allowed list.

For this issue please visit
Fill out a support ticket.

Making request : Error Code: 707

Question: Whenever I request a song I get; Failed Because: Code: 707, Message=Authorization failed. IP not in allowed list.
Answer: The SAM2 is not configured to allow the IP of the webhost making the request.

If you are using PHP and have privaterequests set to true (otherwise see HTML below), then you will need to add the IP address of your webhost to SAM2 -> Config -> Request Policy and goto the field "Only accept requests from these IP addresses" be sure that your IP address of your webhost is in this list, if it is not simply add it to the bottom of the list, and press OK. You will now be able to make requests.

If you are using HTML you are using requestor located on our site and you will need to have the IP address in the allowed IP addresses. Goto SAM2 -> Config -> Request Policy and goto the field "Only accept requests from these IP addresses" be sure that your IP address of your webhost is in this list, if it is not simply add it to the bottom of the list, and press OK. You will now be able to make requests.

708 - requests - You have already requested this song and it is waiting in the request queue to be played.

In sam set the limits in the config area under requests.

709 - requests - Invalid data returned!
Your list may need to be updated (re-upload your songs to your web site or check that the song llimits in the config are setup)


800 - SAM host must be specified

Your IP

801 - SAM host can not be or localhost
Your IP the system will not run on ( or / localhost)
802 - Song ID must be valid
~803 - requests -
- Unable to connect to YourIP:PORT. Station might be offline, or connection is being blocked
- Unable to connect to $samhost:$samport. Station might be offline.
- The error returned was $errstr ($errno)."; break; case
- Your request failed. Reason given:
Unable to connect to Station might be offline, or connection is being blocked. (Err#: 803)
Note: will be an IP address.
The error message is self explanitory. Possible reasons for this error are;

1. IP address is not static and has changed since the configuration was made. We suggest using a dynamic dns service such as to assign a static hostname so if your IP is reassigned on your network the service will report your new IP.
2. Make sure that port 1221 is open on your firewall/NAT/router. Goto and enter port 1221 and click Check, if an error is returned then your network still needs configuring.
3. Make sure that if you are behind a router/nat/firewall with DHCP enabled that your private IP address has not changed and your firewall is sending the requests to the wrong private IP address.
4. Unless you are only trying to use on your private network the use of local/private IP addresses should not be displayed in the error message, or just on your local system only your localhost IP If it is be sure to change the config.php file and upload to your server; $sam["host"] "localhost"; The IP address of the machine SAM is running on (DO NOT use a local IP address like or 192.x.x.x) change to; $sam["host"] ""; The IP address of the machine SAM is running on (DO NOT use a local IP address like or 192.x.x.x)
samHTMweb For samHTMweb users change the line in your _config.html file;


////////////////////change to;////////////////////


804 - requests - Invalid data returned! (Err#: 804)
Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /usr/vservers/common/xml.php on line 72
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /usr/vservers/common/xml.php on line 73

Your request failed. Reason given: Invalid data returned! (Err#: 804)

None known at this time

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